ONE DAY. ONE KU. has ended, but your support makes a difference every day. You can still make a gift.
School of Business

Summer Venture in Business

Gifts to this priority will support the School’s Summer Venture in Business, a pre-college summer academy for underrepresented ethnic minority students in high school and/or potential first-generation college students who are interested in business. The three-day program, delivered at no cost to participants, provides an early introduction to college life and business topics. Students stay on campus in a residence hall on the Lawrence campus and attend modules about School of Business academic majors, workshops about careers in business, and networking events with industry professionals.

EY Professionalism Program

Gifts to this endowed fund will help our undergraduate students in the EY Professionalism Program. Through this required program, students explore careers and career-related topics, engage with career advisors, complete an internship, and earn general and major-specific skills certifications and experiences. Supporting this initiative will help expand and enrich professional development programming, as well as provide funding for internship scholarships.

Faculty Support

A gift to this endowed fund supports efforts to retain and recognize our talented faculty. KU School of Business professors regularly publish in leading academic journals and serve as experts for journalists and organizations. Supporting research initiatives expands opportunities for our faculty to pursue their research agendas, strengthening the stature and impact of the School of Business.

School of Business Greatest Need

Unrestricted gifts to the KU School of Business provide flexibility for the school to address immediate needs or take advantages of opportunities that arise throughout the academic year. This might include support toward activities that enhance the student experience, programming to engage alumni or industry partners, or funding to enhance the technology in Capitol Federal Hall.

Chris Sinclair $5,000 School of Business Match
Match met! Thank you to Chris Sinclair, and the generous School of Business donors.
$5,000 MATCHED
School of Business Dean's Advisory Board Executive Committee Challenge
Challenge unlocked! Thank you to the KU School of Business Dean's Executive Committee, and our generous School of Business donors.
125 / 125 Gifts
Steve and Carolyn Blazer $5,000 Match for the School of Business
Match met! Thank you to Steve and Carolyn Blazer and our generous School of Business donors.
$5,000 MATCHED
Department Challenge Leaderboard
Help your favorite unit climb to the top of the Total Gifts Leaderboard! Which unit will win bragging rights for bringing in the most gifts on One Day. One KU.?
Rank Departments Gifts
1 Monarch Watch 390
2 Athletics 341
3 Alzheimer's Disease Research Center 302
4 Scholarships 272
5 School of Health Professions 253
Show 5 More
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